
The witcher 3 icon
The witcher 3 icon

The game explains how to do this while you play. Due to information overload as I started playing the game, I didn't know what this icon represented for a while until my little light bulb went on and said, duh, it's your weight and weight limit indicator. The icon looks like a bell or a simple graphic of a fat little man. The little icon (one place to the left of the Level indicator) represents your current weight/maximum carrying capacity. Later in the game, apparently, you can trade in other currency types for Crowns which seem to be the only currency useable for actual trade.

the witcher 3 icon

It's obvious though a little confusing at first because you'll also notice in your inventory, under the, 'Other' tab, other types of currency will accumulate as you play.

the witcher 3 icon

This represent how much currency you hold, in Crowns. The little icon (two places to the left of the Level indicator) in the upper right-hand side of the screen that looks like 3 solid white circles overlapping each other, with the top-most circle having a little crown on it.

the witcher 3 icon

I will add to the list as I discover new things, feel free to add your own. Also, this is written from a keyboard/mouse perspective assuming you haven't changed the default key bindings. So this is my evolving list of things I consider useful, in no particular order. While many things are explained quite well in-game, there are a good number of things useful to know that either aren't talked about or gamers might miss when first starting to play due to a bit of information overload as you learn this game. That second season is scheduled to release on December 17th, and until then, we've gotten a synopsis and more than one reveal to hold us over until the Season 2 launch.This game is quite good and I've definitely gotten a fever for it. The first season of The Witcher was met with favorable reviews even though some were hesitant at first about Henry Cavill being cast as Geralt of Rivia, so people have been eagerly awaiting the second season. Netflix's Witcher projects so far have been met with praise, so it's not surprising that the reveals have kept coming.

the witcher 3 icon

E032fDAXYx- The Witcher September 25, 2021 Toss a coin to our growing Witcher universe! We can officially announce The Witcher Season 3, along with a second anime feature film, and a new Kids and Family series set in the world of The Witcher. No release date was announced for the third season since we're still waiting on the second to release later this year, but Netflix confirmed the plans for the release on its socials soon after the announcement was made during the presentation. This development should come as a surprise to nobody seeing how Season 2 of The Witcher was already confirmed before Season 1 even released.

The witcher 3 icon